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Motus Physical Therapy

At Motus Physical Therapy and Wellness, our dedicated team specializes in evidence-based treatment for injury recovery, post-surgery rehabilitation, sports performance, and relieving disorders like temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD). With personalized treatment plans, education, and ongoing support, we empower you to thrive physically. Our holistic approach creates a welcoming, inclusive environment, and with extensive training and expertise, we are committed to delivering high-quality care for your optimal well-being.

Meet the founders

Texas Physical Therapy Association Logo
FMT logo
American phsysical therapy association logo
Selectiva functional movement assesment certificate
Y balance test certificate
Functional movement screen certificate
Selective functional movement assesment certificate
Functional movement screen certificate

In Texas, a referral is not required to initiate physical therapy.

However, for Blue Cross Blue Shield or Medicare Part B, please get a referral for physical therapy before scheduling your first appointment. If you're covered under a BCBS HMO plan, you'll need a referral from your primary care physician.

Our Methods

Plans & Pricing

Out  of  Network

We accept your health savings account (HSA), flexible spending account (FSA), Cash, Checks,Zelle, and Credit Cards.

In - Network

We are In-Network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Medicare Part B, and all supplemental plans to Medicare Part B.


Ask how we may be a better alternative to your high-deductible insurance plan.

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